
2014-08-25 14:50 来源 :  中国葡萄酒资讯网 作者 :  悦星葡萄酒学院 柳森


  法国波尔多一级酒庄中haut brion (98-100)的评价:

  There are 10,500 cases of the 2009 Haut-Brion, from a blend of 46% Merlot, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon, and 14% Cabernet Franc. For technicians, the highest ever natural alcohol, 14.3%, was achieved, with a pH of 3.9, which is about the same as the 1989 and 1990, as well as 1959. This is the kind of wine to send chills even up my spine, and I have been tasting here for nearly 30 years. An extraordinary nose of plum, blueberry, raspberry, crushed rock, and that intriguing floral as well as unsmoked cigar tobacco note (a classic sign of this terroir) is followed by a wine of creamy unctuosity reminiscent of 1989, but there is a freshness, vibrancy and precision that is historic and possibly unprecedented. Some graphite emerges as the wine sits in the glass, but the wine is very thick while at the same time precise and elegant.This is the quintessential expression of one of the greatest wine terroirs of the world. To reiterate, the good news is that there are going to be 10,500 cases of Haut-Brion in 2009, which is about 1,500 more cases than the 9,000 produced in 2005. This wine will probably need 7-8 years of cellaring when released and evolve as well as the 1959 has (which is still a perfect wine today), so we’re realistically talking 50-75 years when stored in a cool cellar. (Tasted once.)

  我试着翻译一下:2009年奥比奥酒庄共酿10500箱,是用46%的美乐,40%的赤霞珠和14%的品丽珠混酿而成。从技术上分析:2009年酒精度达到14.3%(PH值3.9),为历史最高水平,跟1989,1990和1959年份差不多。这样的酒真是让我毛骨悚然,要知道我在这品了三十年酒了(念头确实不短了,Parker老先生开始品的时候我在哪呢?:)!)浓郁的李子、蓝莓、悬钩子果香,碎岩石,迷人的花香和新鲜的雪茄气息(当地风土的典型特色),丝滑劲令我想起了1989年的Haut Brion,但是更加新鲜、有活力,空前优秀!刚一入杯有股石墨的气息,但是此酒非常浓郁,同时也很精细优雅!这款酒十分精确的表达了世界上最优秀的Terroir。在此重申一下产量是10.500箱,比2005年多了9000箱(哪来的呢?可能a葡萄园面积增大,b产量提高)。此酒需要7-8年的陈酿,投放到市场上后,现实的讲,在良好的酒窖中再放50-75年会发展得和1959年一样优异,1959年的Haut Brion现在品质依然完美无缺(五十年了呀!)

  balance red wines can be elegant.

  1997年8月31日凌晨4时许,戴安娜王妃在巴黎发生车祸不治去世。这个集美丽,善良,谦和,风度于一身的女人,留给人们的,是一个永远优雅的背影。而她之后,号称优雅之都的英伦,再也没有人可以复制她的优雅….. 庆幸的是葡萄酒的优雅正被兢兢业业的葡萄农一代代的复制创成并且创新着!






      中国著名葡萄酒讲师,悦星葡萄学院葡萄酒文化总监。 毕业于西北农林科技大学葡萄酒学院,曾创办葡萄酒文化传播网站酒香网。目前正在攻读英国葡萄酒与烈酒教育基金会WSET Diploma认证。


      丰富的知识储备以及对葡萄酒的热爱令他走上葡萄酒讲师这条路。他始终竭力帮助葡萄酒爱好者和从业人员学习葡萄酒知识。因为他的信念:“中国葡萄酒还有很长的路要走,要让普通老百姓接受真正的葡萄酒文化 则需要葡萄酒专业人士做更多的努力。”

