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Toscana Bianco Fonte de' Gigli



参考价 : 

  • 年份 : 2012
  • 等级 : IGT
  • 产地 : 意大利-托斯卡纳
  • 净含量 : 750 ml
  • 类型 : 白葡萄酒
  • 酒精度 : 12.5 度
  • 含糖量 : 干型
  • 瓶塞 : 合成
  • 酒庄 : 嘉塔维奇酒庄 Gattavecchi
  • 葡萄品种 : Chardonnay霞多丽,Grechetto 格雷切托,Trebbiano 特来比亚诺
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生产地:托斯卡纳南部 葡萄品种:托斯卡纳棠比内洛,霞多丽,格莱托 土壤:由粘土和细沙组成的上新世时期海洋沉淀物 葡萄树年龄:20-25年 每公顷生产量:8吨 级别:IGT 酒精度:12.0% 微气候: 全年适中的温度给当地的微气候带来了有利的条件。充足的光照促进了葡萄的成熟并有助于让葡萄保持好的结构,直到收成。 酿造工艺: 葡萄用特殊的方法进行仔细的水平压榨,在未发酵的葡萄汁进行静态倾注时都保持在一定低的温度,白葡萄的发酵过程一般在1 2天左右,这一过程在温度不超过18摄氏度的情况下进行。然后在不锈钢桶内进行二次发酵一段时间后等待着装瓶。 感官特性: 酒体的颜色呈草黄色,浓郁的果香和花香,口感饱满和谐。是一款非常优秀的开胃酒,可搭配开胃小菜,汤,口味清淡的奶酪以及鱼类。是一款完美的日常餐酒。饮用温度在10至12摄氏度。 PRODUCTION AREA: Southern Tuscany GRAPE VARIETIES: Trebbiano Toscano, Chardonnay and Grechetto SOIL: Mixtures of clay and fine sand with Marine Pliocene sediment VINE TRAINING: Guyot and straight-Line spurred tying (Cordone Speronato) - 4,400 vinestocks per hectare. Average age of vines: 20 - 25 years. PRODUCTION PER HECTARE: 8 tons. Ml CROCLIMATE: Moderate temperatures throughout the year create favourable microclimatic condi-tions, Excellent exposure promotes ripening and helps maintain the structure of the grapes until harvesting, VINIFICATION AND REFINING: The grapes are carefully pressed using a special, horizontal press, and the temperature is kept low at all times during static decantation of the must. "White fermentation" occurs over a period of about 72 days at a temperature that never exceeds 18C. The wine is then aged in stainless steel, where it is readied for bottling. ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS: The colour is straw yellow. The bouquet is intense and fruity and the flavour is full,dry and harmonious. It is excellent as an aperitif, and pairs particularly well with antipasti, soups, vegetarian dishes, light cheeses and all fish dishes. It is a perfect everyday wine. Serving Temperature: 10 - 12℃.

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